According to the latest World Health Organization data, 15% of the world’s population develops allergies from pets like dogs, cats, guinea-pigs and many more.
Reading this article, probably you or someone from the family falls into that 15 % of allergy suffers and you really want to know if the Yorkshire terrier breed is suitable for you.
Well, that is exactly what we are going to discuss here and give you all the information you need before you take the decision to bring a ball of cuteness called Yorkie at home.
An interesting fact is that the most common type of allergy is the intolerance of dogs.
Many people believe that if they bring a small Yorkie puppy at home and take proper cares of him such problems will not arise.
Well, we have to disappoint you because this statement is not entirely true.
Are Yorkies hypoallergenic dogs?
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), there are no dog breeds that are 100% hypoallergenic.
However, certain dogs are much less likely to make the allergy suffers have a hard time at home.
And yes, our favorite Yorkshire terriers are one of those breeds.
Actually, the allergens are not in the Yorkie’s coat. As you all know, Yorkshire terriers don’t have fur but hair which is very similar to humans.
So that said, allergens might be dandruff, fragments of hair, smell, saliva or many other elements that are part of the Yorkie’s life.
We will explain them in detail for you down in the article.
Furthermore, Yorkshire terriers are considered as non – shedding dogs. Therefore, the hairs and dandruff they spread throughout the house are much less compared to many other breeds.
Here it is important to mention that dandruff in dog’s hair is what makes most of the people develop their allergies.
Let’s put it in a nutshell
There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Yorkies are no exception and they cannot be considered as hypoallergenic, too.
The big difference is that due to the characteristic of their hair, they are much less likely to make people develop an allergy.
Just to make it clear, the individual sensitivity to different allergens in humans is different.
If you really want a tiny sweet Yorkie at home but you are not sure if you or someone from the family may have an allergic reaction, here is what you can do.
You can visit a friend who already has a Yorkshire terrier or you can visit the breeder that you choose to buy the puppy from.
Take a little time to play and hug the little friend. No one will reject to “borrow” you his puppy for an hour. It is more than enough to check and see how tolerant you are with the doggie.
If you have an allergy, then surely within one hour it will become noticeable.
To give you the most thorough information we will look at the causes, symptoms, and methods of dealing with allergic manifestations to Yorkshire terriers.
Reasons for being allergic to Yorkies
There is a common opinion that the Yorkshire terrier is a hypoallergenic dog breed. Some people explain that because they don’t have an undercoat and the structure of their fur is very similar to human hair.
Let’s say that this is partly true. But Yorkie’s hair is not the only part which could cause an allergy. Here are the other factors:
- The proteins produced by the skin glands and contained in wool, saliva, and urine;
- Dirt, dust and dead hairs which are hiding between the hairs of the Yorkie can lead to allergic symptoms if they reach the respiratory system. The more sensitive people can begin to cough and sneeze by inhaling them;
- An allergy could also occur from the bites of parasites that live in the dog’s hair. Those parasites are usually picked by the sweet friends during the walks outside.
If a person is allergic to insects that are usually found at home, most probably he will have a reaction to those that are picked up from the street and are accommodated in the Yorkie’s hair;
- Yorkshire terriers have subcutaneous fat that is secreted by the sebaceous glands and it can also be the cause of allergic rashes;
- You may have never thought of this but during some seasons (mostly spring) the pollen from the trees and flowers is all around the air.
It can be settled in the Yorkshire terrier skin (especially if it is long) and people suffering from pollen allergy may be affected.
Please note that it is temporary, seasonal, and it should not be confused with a reaction to Yorkshire terriers. It could also be prevented;
- Strong allergens are found in the blood and feces of dogs and Yorkshire terriers in particular. If a person who has severe allergy have a contact with them, he may develop eczema.
How to recognize allergy symptoms to a Yorkshire terrier
If you have an allergy to Yorkies, then the first signs will be:
- Irritation of the nasal cavity: a runny nose, hard breathing, and redness, sneezing;
- Allergic conjunctivitis: redness, tearing of eyes and discomfort in the eyes from light;
- Skin changes: hives, itching, dermatitis, peeling or developing and eczema;
- Problems with the digestive tract: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
- Allergic contact dermatitis on the hands after contact with the dog.
Prevention of allergies caused by Yorkshire terriers
If an allergy occurs as a result of contact between a person and a Yorkshire terrier, we suggest that you take some of the below-listed actions:
- First of all, you need to find out what is the source of the allergy and is it really the Yorkie.
- Most probably you will not be able to make an exact diagnosis yourself. So the best decision is to reduce the contact with the doggie especially if the affected is a child.You may want to transport the little friend to another location until you have doctor’s visit.
- If the above is not possible, we suggest that you clean the floor with a mop daily. Detergents containing chlorine would be the most effective. Also, dust your home and be very precise in places that are not visible but usually are dirtiest (under the couch and the bed for example).
- After the usual outside walks, the Yorkie’s paws must be washed and his hair brushed. Bathing more often than usual is recommended (once per week). These measures can help to get rid of the pollen, dust, and parasites that are collected in his hairs during the strolls. Also, do not forget to comb daily. The best is if you can do it somewhere out and not at your home.
Here are five top quality products that must always be at your fingertips:
- Remove and wash all fabrics that can accumulate Yorkie’s hair. Experts suggest to replace carpets with lighter once or remove them completely. Pillows, blankets, sofa covers should be covered with anti-dust blankets.
- Limit the movement of the Yorkie in the rooms where the allergy suffers spends most of the time. This is very important especially if the patient is a kid. Limit the Yorkie’s access to the children’s room.
- Make sure that all of the cares for the cute Yorkie are carried out by a person who doesn’t suffer from allergies. As we already mentioned that includes bathing, combing and cleaning the feces that sometimes are stuck in the anus area on Yorkies with longer hair.
While there are no dog breeds in the world that are 100% hypoallergenic, there are some that are much tolerant of people with pet allergies.
Yorkshire terriers are one of them due to the specific characteristic of their hair.
If proper care and maintenance are taken, the chances for you or someone from the family to develop an allergy could be minimized.
The best way to check if you can get along with these sweet creatures is to spend a little time with them and see your body’s reactions.
Last update on 2022-04-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API